Pdf unless otherwise terminated in accordance with section
Unless otherwise agreed and stated in section 11 of the agreement, the tenant may terminate tenancy agreements for separate room tenancies, where a separate room is a room that forms part of the landlord’s flat, or of a single- or double-occupancy house occupied by the landlord, with 1 month’s notice
ACT. See section 78. A lease may provide for termination because of the proposed demolition of the building containing the premises, but the lease cannot be terminated because of proposed demolition unless the landlord has:
• Added Pin Configuration and Functions section, ESD Ratings table, Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes , Application and Implementation section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section, Device
(b) if the tenant has made a request for a new tenancy in accordance with section 26 of this Act. (2) The last foregoing subsection shall not prevent the coming to an end of a tenancy by notice to quit given by the tenant, by surrender or forfeiture, or by the forfeiture of a superior tenancy, unless—
delivered Licensed Programs and updates, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties; iv) all deliveries of Deliverables to Licensee shall be performed in accordance with the Purchase
3.2 In accordance with Section 100 Introduction and Fundamental Principles of the Code, Members shall observe and comply with their public interest obligations when they provide Taxation Services.
any of the matters referred to in section 161(1) may be authorised otherwise than in accordance with that section. (2) If all entitled persons have agreed or concur, shares may be issued otherwise than in accordance with section 42 or section 44 or section 45 .
(1) All persons who conduct or otherwise participate in the mediation expressly agree in writing, or orally in accordance with Section 1118, to disclosure of the communication, document, or writing.
Calculation of Termination Fee. Schedule A ($ in millons, unless otherwise noted) (4) Fed Commitment Fee. Fed Commitment Fee Rate 0.20% Coverage of Fed Guarantee ($ bn) 83

Section 17 Suspension of Services HKEX
Demolition Document - Clayton Utz
GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS Fixed Price (September 27 2018
WORLD BANK GROUP GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR OPERATIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES (03/2008) Page 1 of 11 1. General Provisions 1.1 Definitions Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms used in this Contract have the following meanings:
USNAS as required by Section 3.2, whichever date is later. This Agreement shall remain in effect until December 31, 20201 unless earlier terminated by law or according to the provisions of this Agreement. All other terms of the Agreement between the COUNI v and the TOWNSHIP shall remain in full force and effect unless otherwise amended or terminated in accordance with law or the terms of the
This is a binding class ruling issued in accordance with section 78(2) and published in accordance with section 87(2) of the Tax Administration Act No. 28 of 2011. In this ruling references to sections are to sections of the Act applicable as at 5 October 2015. Unless the context indicates otherwise, any word or expression in this ruling bears the meaning ascribed to it in the Act. This is a
Unless otherwise specified, steel sole plates shall be galvanized in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS 4680. The minimum mass of zinc coating shall be 0.6 kg/m2 of surface. The minimum mass of zinc coating shall be 0.6 kg/m2 of surface.
section, unless the power of attorney otherwise provides, an agent may not exercise authority under a power of attorney to create in the agent, or in an individual to whom the agent owes a legal obligation of support, an interest in the principal’s property, whether by gift, right of
Page 4 States and the governing authorities on Taiwan recognized by the United States as the Republic of China prior to January 1, 1979, and in force between them on December 31, 1978, unless and until terminated in accordance with
Unless terminated earlier in accordance with this section, a membership will expire at midnight on the last day of the term of membership unless the membership has been renewed.
Company in accordance with Section 169 of the Corporations Act (including any branch register and any computerised or electronic subregister established and administered under the ASX Settlement Operating Rules).
accordance with that advice. H. “Replacement” means a transaction in which a new policy or contract is to be purchased, and it is known or should be known to the proposing producer, or to the proposing insurer if there is no producer, that by reason of the transaction, an existing policy or contract has been or is to be: (1) Lapsed, forfeited, surrendered or partially surrendered, assigned
Unless the subject matter or context otherwise requires or is inconsistent therewith, and unless defined herein, terms and expressions defined and rules of construction set out in Section 6 of the Tender Rules and Standard Contract
The Term of the Contract shall begin on the Contract Commencement Date and, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract, continue until the goods and services have been supplied and executed in accordance with each Purchase Order
166A-19.31 provides otherwise, a state of emergency declared pursuant to this section shall expire when it is terminated by the official or governing body that declared it. (d) Effect of Declaration.
• Further updates as described in the Additional Guide Updates and Reminders section of this Bulletin EFFECTIVE DATE All of the changes announced in this Bulletin are effective immediately unless otherwise noted.
The termination of a series established in accordance with subsection (b) of this section shall not affect the limitation on liabilities of such series provided by subsection (b) of this section. A series is terminated and its affairs shall be wound up upon the dissolution of the limited liability company under § 18-801 of this title or otherwise upon the first to occur of the following:
Unless otherwise provided, terms of payment shall be net 30 days from the latter of (1) receipt of Seller’s proper invoice, if required (unless such invoice is not approved), or (2) delivery of supplies/completion of work if
FAR — Part 12 Acquisition of Commercial Items (FAC 2005-95) (13 Jan 2017) (FAC 2005-101) (26 Oct 2018) 12.000 — Scope of Part. This part prescribes policies and procedures unique to the acquisition of commercial items.
2/03/2007 · effect in accordance with the facts and circumstances. Section 1362(d)(2)(A) provides that an election under section 1362(a) will be terminated whenever (at any time on or after the 1st day of the 1st taxable year for which the corporation is an S corporation) such corporation ceases to be a small business corporation. Section 1362(d)(2)(B) provides that the termination shall be effective on
A broker who complies with this section shall be immune from liability to any of the parties to the contract. 3. A principal broker or supervising broker holding escrow funds for a principal to the transaction may seek to have a court of competent jurisdiction take custody of disputed or unclaimed escrow funds via an interpleader action pursuant to § 16.1-77 .
Page i Chevron Corporation
will end (unless otherwise eligible) on the termination date of this domestic partnership. Domestic Partner’s child’s/children’s name (s)_____ _____ 6. I affirm that assertions in this notice are true to the best of my knowledge and understand that any false or misleading statements made subject me to financial responsibility for any benefits paid on behalf of my partner and/or my
manholes shall be constructed in accordance with aashto m199 unless otherwise shown on plans. or noted in the standard specifications. 2. handholds in adjustment section shall have 3″ min. clearance. steps in manhole shall have 6″ min. clearance. see std. dtl. d-15, “manhole details.” manholds shall be placed in alternating . grade rings or leveling brick course with a min. of one handhold
2 v. December 2016 (6) Unless otherwise provided in this Order, the Vendor shall provide and pay for all labor, materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, water, heat, utilities,
Unless otherwise provided for by employment regulations, information shall be provided at a time and in a manner to permit the exercise of rights and the fulfillment of obligations.
Data in this document are Specifications unless otherwise noted. Typical Specifications are specifications met by the majority of the instrument under the stated operating conditions and are tested at 23 °C ambient temperature.
ABN 38 113 072 755. Australian Patents Act 1990 — Section 104 Section 113 Section 187 Section 215. Request to Amend Ownership Details of an Application or Patent
(a) terminates or is terminated in accordance with a condition or restriction to which the authority is subject; or (b) is revoked under section 41A or 41C . (3) All prescribed substances and minerals mined or otherwise recovered in pursuance of an authority under this section that are not otherwise the property of the Commonwealth are, by force of this section, vested in the Commonwealth.
(a) the termination does not have effect unless it is confirmed by the Magistrates Court; and (b) if the termination is confirmed—it has effect on the day ordered by the court. (5) The lease may be terminated by the lessor only in accordance with this section.
All layers of rock fill shall be test rolled in accordance with Section 173 of the Specification. 205.07 TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE OF COMPACTION Unless otherwise specified, the first lot shall be placed as a trial section.
The following specifications are typical at 23 °C unless otherwise specified. All voltages are specified in DC, AC pk , or a combination unless otherwise specified. Topology Terminated 6 × 1 multiplexer
The termination of a series established in accordance with subsection (b) of this section shall not affect the limitation on liabilities of such series provided by subsection (b) of this section. A series is terminated and its affairs shall be wound up upon the dissolution of the limited partnership under § 17-801 of this title or otherwise upon the first to occur of the following:
LAND ACCESS ARRANGEMENT FOR MINERAL EXPLORATION Template published in accordance with Section 141(1A) of the Mining Act 1992 This arrangement (“Agreement”), which is an access arrangement for the purposes of section 140 of the Mining Act 1992(NSW), – concordance de temps en francais pdf See also section 1.1.1—3. the lot is tested in accordance with section 1.6.1—3; and (c) the test indicates that: (i) the number of sample units having a level of a microorganism greater than that listed in the corresponding row of Column 4 (m) is greater than the number listed in the corresponding row of Column 3 (c); or (ii) the level of the microorganism in any of the sample units is
smooth transition over in accordance with clause 2.5.3(d) of as2890.1 grade 1:10 max. across verge (1:40 max across footpaths) top of kerb varies roadway 100mm above top of kerb min. 100mm above top of kerb grade 1:20 max. across verge (1:40 max across footpaths) whole of verge to fall to kerb @ 2.5% min. grade, unless approved otherwise by council. grade 1:4 max. longitudinal driveway section
b) Unless specified otherwise in clause 3.7 (whether contract is for exclusive service) of the Schedule, the Contractor may perform services for persons other than the Hirer during the period of the contract.
unless an action notice is given. 1.2. The assessment manager must determine, within 10 days starting the day after 2 Where the assessment manager accepts an application in accordance with section 51(4)(c) of the Act it is considered that this is a properly made application, therefore an action notice is not required to be given. 2 3.5. Despite section 3.2, the assessment manager may
Unless otherwise specified by HKSCC, access to SSA with Statement Service in CCASS via the CCASS Phone System and the CCASS Internet System will continue to be available to SSA Statement Recipients in accordance with the normal service hours.
Unless otherwise specified in the award, provisions of the applicable Federal cost principles and other Federal administrative requirements for prior agency approval apply only to the activities and expenditures specified below.
of a specified task in accordance with section 37(3)(b) Employment is to be terminated by an employee by the giving of two . week’s notice to the employer or by the forfeiture of two weeks wages as the case may be. (2) Notice of termination by the employer (i) Employment is to be terminated by the employer by the giving of notice in accordance with the following table; (ii) S085 7. Period
for initial enrollment unless otherwise terminated. With respect to reenrolling providers, the agreement shall remain in With respect to reenrolling providers, the agreement shall remain in effect for ten (10) years from either the date the most recent agreement expires or the date the provider signs the renewal
(b) of a statement under Section 51D of the Act $ 32.25 Unless otherwise specified – (a) (except where paragraph (b) applies) for the issue of a new Certificate
conducted in English and shall be held in Gaborone, unless the parties otherwise agree. (5) Where in this Act any application, report or other document is required to be submitted to the Minister-
been assigned a Highway Classification, they are to be maintained in accordance with the response of the adjacent Highway Classification, unless otherwise stated; g) All Specifications are applicable at all times throughout the calendar year; Introduction Schedule 1 Section 1 Schedule 1 Specifications – SA @ (2018/19 Highway Maintenance Agreement) Page 4 h) When a response identifies a
Medical Research Act Chapter 1 General provisions Section 1 (794/2010) Scope of application This Act applies to medical research, unless otherwise provided by legislation. Section 2 (295/2004) Definitions For the purposes of this Act: (1) medical research means research involving intervention in the integrity of a person, human embryo or human foetus for the purpose of increasing knowledge of
in research otherwise covered by paragraph (l)(3) of this section determines that such research instead will transition to comply with the 2018 Requirements, the institution or an IRB must document and date such determination.
In accordance with the provisions below, this Act shall also apply to shared-access facilities or equipment located on the property or in the building, to which the tenant has access. Section 2 Restrictions on application The provisions of this Act shall not apply to the operations of lodging establishments. Separate provisions or regulations shall apply to official residences of the State, a
For the purposes of these rules section numbers refer to the section so numbered in the annex to decision 27/CMP.1, unless otherwise noted, and: (a) “Committee” means the Compliance Committee established by section II, paragraph 1;
The New York courts have repeatedly held that unless there is a specific agreement saying otherwise, a commission salesperson who receives draws against anticipated commissions is not required to repay those draws if the commission does not become finally due and payable
Proceedings against any EMT-P license or licenseholder shall be held in accordance with Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code.
(1) A contract of service for a specified period of time or for the performance of a specified piece of work shall, unless otherwise terminated in accordance with this Part, terminate when the period of time for which such contract was made has expired or when the piece of work specified in such contract has been completed.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties, it shall be an implied term of the written agreement to conciliate that the parties undertake not to rely on or introduce as evidence in any arbitral or judicial proceedings in any jurisdiction, whether or not such
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) is an independent statutory authority that supervises institutions across banking, insurance and superannuation and promotes financial system stability in Australia
accordance with section 6 of the Taxation Administration Act, and includes persons acting as the Commissioner in accordance with the Commissioner’s written delegation under section 10 of the Taxation Administration Act.
Termination and refund, as provided in this Section 1.8.2, is your sole and exclusive remedy if we make a material, detrimental change to the Service Offering …
Standard Reinsurance Agreement
Article 2.
and unless otherwise provided in the Sponsorship Agreement, termination under Rule 7.1.11(a) will be effective upon receipt of Notice by the other party to the Agreement. Introduced 11/03/04 Origin SCH 9A.2.7, 9A.2.8 Amended 04/04/05
Section 8 Project-based of the lease in accordance with HUD requirements. 8. Initial Housing Assistance Payment At the beginning of the Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract term, the amount of the housing assistance payment by the PHA to the owner is $ _____ per month. The amount of the monthly housing assistance payment by the PHA to the owner is subject to change during the …
2003 isda credit derivatives definitions Any or all of the following definitions and provisions may be incorporated into a document by wording in the document indicating that, or the extent to which, the document is subject to the
4.3 The Laydays established in accordance with Sections 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 shall, unless otherwise specifically agreed between the parties, fall entirely within any delivery period specified in …
FAR- Part 12 Acquisition of Commercial Items
Name of E SUNY Information Technology Services Status
(2) The Minister may make rules in accordance with section 80 which shall have the effect of including in every contract of employment terms relating to post-employment benefits which shall be due or payable to the employee.
%%unotes: 1. manholes shall be constructed in accordance with aashto m199 unless otherwise shown on plans. or noted in the standard specifications.
Unless otherwise provided in a court order or judgment, the obligation to pay child support shall terminate by operation of law without order by the court on the date that a child marries, dies, or enters the military service.
Unless otherwise provided, the definitions of terms herein only apply to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement and not to FCIC procedures or other documents related to this Agreement.
Number 200709051 Release Date 3/2/2007 Third Party


Taiwan Relations Act in PDF format PDF 241 KB State


– Bermuda International Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1993
Unofficial translation ACT ON RESIDENTIAL LEASES

CHAPTER 223 AN ACT njchildsupport.org


Request to Amend Ownership Details of an Application or Patent

Special Tax Return Arrangement (Online Duties) Under
Demolition Document – Clayton Utz

Company in accordance with Section 169 of the Corporations Act (including any branch register and any computerised or electronic subregister established and administered under the ASX Settlement Operating Rules).
Calculation of Termination Fee. Schedule A ($ in millons, unless otherwise noted) (4) Fed Commitment Fee. Fed Commitment Fee Rate 0.20% Coverage of Fed Guarantee ($ bn) 83
(2) The Minister may make rules in accordance with section 80 which shall have the effect of including in every contract of employment terms relating to post-employment benefits which shall be due or payable to the employee.
for initial enrollment unless otherwise terminated. With respect to reenrolling providers, the agreement shall remain in With respect to reenrolling providers, the agreement shall remain in effect for ten (10) years from either the date the most recent agreement expires or the date the provider signs the renewal
The termination of a series established in accordance with subsection (b) of this section shall not affect the limitation on liabilities of such series provided by subsection (b) of this section. A series is terminated and its affairs shall be wound up upon the dissolution of the limited partnership under § 17-801 of this title or otherwise upon the first to occur of the following:
in research otherwise covered by paragraph (l)(3) of this section determines that such research instead will transition to comply with the 2018 Requirements, the institution or an IRB must document and date such determination.
• Added Pin Configuration and Functions section, ESD Ratings table, Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes , Application and Implementation section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section, Device
(a) the termination does not have effect unless it is confirmed by the Magistrates Court; and (b) if the termination is confirmed—it has effect on the day ordered by the court. (5) The lease may be terminated by the lessor only in accordance with this section.
The New York courts have repeatedly held that unless there is a specific agreement saying otherwise, a commission salesperson who receives draws against anticipated commissions is not required to repay those draws if the commission does not become finally due and payable
manholes shall be constructed in accordance with aashto m199 unless otherwise shown on plans. or noted in the standard specifications. 2. handholds in adjustment section shall have 3″ min. clearance. steps in manhole shall have 6″ min. clearance. see std. dtl. d-15, “manhole details.” manholds shall be placed in alternating . grade rings or leveling brick course with a min. of one handhold


This is a binding class ruling issued in accordance with section 78(2) and published in accordance with section 87(2) of the Tax Administration Act No. 28 of 2011. In this ruling references to sections are to sections of the Act applicable as at 5 October 2015. Unless the context indicates otherwise, any word or expression in this ruling bears the meaning ascribed to it in the Act. This is a
conducted in English and shall be held in Gaborone, unless the parties otherwise agree. (5) Where in this Act any application, report or other document is required to be submitted to the Minister-
• Further updates as described in the Additional Guide Updates and Reminders section of this Bulletin EFFECTIVE DATE All of the changes announced in this Bulletin are effective immediately unless otherwise noted.
(a) the termination does not have effect unless it is confirmed by the Magistrates Court; and (b) if the termination is confirmed—it has effect on the day ordered by the court. (5) The lease may be terminated by the lessor only in accordance with this section.
and unless otherwise provided in the Sponsorship Agreement, termination under Rule 7.1.11(a) will be effective upon receipt of Notice by the other party to the Agreement. Introduced 11/03/04 Origin SCH 9A.2.7, 9A.2.8 Amended 04/04/05
Termination and refund, as provided in this Section 1.8.2, is your sole and exclusive remedy if we make a material, detrimental change to the Service Offering …
Unless otherwise specified in the award, provisions of the applicable Federal cost principles and other Federal administrative requirements for prior agency approval apply only to the activities and expenditures specified below.
(1) A contract of service for a specified period of time or for the performance of a specified piece of work shall, unless otherwise terminated in accordance with this Part, terminate when the period of time for which such contract was made has expired or when the piece of work specified in such contract has been completed.
section, unless the power of attorney otherwise provides, an agent may not exercise authority under a power of attorney to create in the agent, or in an individual to whom the agent owes a legal obligation of support, an interest in the principal’s property, whether by gift, right of
Unless otherwise provided in a court order or judgment, the obligation to pay child support shall terminate by operation of law without order by the court on the date that a child marries, dies, or enters the military service.
LAND ACCESS ARRANGEMENT FOR MINERAL EXPLORATION Template published in accordance with Section 141(1A) of the Mining Act 1992 This arrangement (“Agreement”), which is an access arrangement for the purposes of section 140 of the Mining Act 1992(NSW),
Unless otherwise provided, terms of payment shall be net 30 days from the latter of (1) receipt of Seller’s proper invoice, if required (unless such invoice is not approved), or (2) delivery of supplies/completion of work if
The termination of a series established in accordance with subsection (b) of this section shall not affect the limitation on liabilities of such series provided by subsection (b) of this section. A series is terminated and its affairs shall be wound up upon the dissolution of the limited liability company under § 18-801 of this title or otherwise upon the first to occur of the following:
Page 4 States and the governing authorities on Taiwan recognized by the United States as the Republic of China prior to January 1, 1979, and in force between them on December 31, 1978, unless and until terminated in accordance with
(2) The Minister may make rules in accordance with section 80 which shall have the effect of including in every contract of employment terms relating to post-employment benefits which shall be due or payable to the employee.

One thought on “Pdf unless otherwise terminated in accordance with section

  1. (a) the termination does not have effect unless it is confirmed by the Magistrates Court; and (b) if the termination is confirmed—it has effect on the day ordered by the court. (5) The lease may be terminated by the lessor only in accordance with this section.

    Medical Research Act (488/1999) Finlex
    Unofficial Revised Common Rule Regulatory Text hhs.gov
    Standard Reinsurance Agreement

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